Try our Watch out and if for ANY reason you don't like it within 90 Days, we will refund you!
Q: How long is the warranty on the Hard Hat Smartwatch?
A: The Smartwatch
comes with a 6-month warranty
Q: Is it compatible with both Android and IOS?
A: It sure is! The Hard Hat Smartwatch is compatible with any
smartphone operating system
Q: Can it take phone calls?
A: Yes it sure does! You can speak on the phone, and read texts and
all types of notifications
Q: How long does the battery last?
A: On average, it lasts about 1-2 weeks per charge! It only takes
roughly 1 hour to fully charge
Q: What’s included in each purchase?
A: Please see below:
Q: Can I swim with it? Is it waterproof?
A: Although the Hard Hat smartwatch is certified as IP68 Waterproof and IP69K Dust-proof, we don't recommend swimming with it for long periods, particularly in salt or chlorine water. The Hard Hat can handle up to 1.5m water depth in line with IP68 Standards, though chlorine and salt erode the inner processing chip - so always make sure to wash it with fresh water and dry it. Also, whilst you may can wear the Hard Hat in your shower for cold and medium temperatures, you should avoid hot and steamy showers or steam rooms as the steam may cause vapour damage. Saunas are fine for up to 15 mins at a time!
Same day dispatch & arrive in 3-5 days*. All orders are shipped within 24 hrs from our warehouse in Sydney.
We know what it's like waiting weeks & weeks for orders from online suppliers! Always shop Aussie! 🇦🇺
Hard Hat Support Team
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